1979 Nordco Marketeer 36V with 3 LiPo4 batteries.
overdrive switch as well.
I have been referencing the wire schematics and troubleshooting on this forum.
So was driving the cart with about a 65% batt charge and it was going well, then all of a sudden the battery monitor went blank and lost all power.
Got it home and tested the batts and 2 of the 3 were at 13v the other was at 3v.
Put it on the charger and in a like 1/2 hr said they were full.
I rechecked all of them and they were all at 13v. All good.
I then went to move the cart and it did the same thing. I plugged it in and it did its thing and said full. All batts at 13v.
It seems that the lipo4 went into safe mode or there was a short somewhere.
Well now if I turn on the cart with the overdrive not pulled out I can hear all solenoids clicking but in rev/or fwd nothing happens however if I pull the overdrive out I can hear all solenoids clicking nothing happens till I get to full throttle the motor works but only in reverse regardless of the fwd/rev selector is fwd or rev.
So crazy.
I have removed the top solenoid and am in the process of testing.
should the two small poles have continuity showing zero or have resistance? Currently, it is showing 124.3 between the small poles
I added 36v to the small poles and the big poles activated.
overdrive switch as well.
I have been referencing the wire schematics and troubleshooting on this forum.
So was driving the cart with about a 65% batt charge and it was going well, then all of a sudden the battery monitor went blank and lost all power.
Got it home and tested the batts and 2 of the 3 were at 13v the other was at 3v.
Put it on the charger and in a like 1/2 hr said they were full.
I rechecked all of them and they were all at 13v. All good.
I then went to move the cart and it did the same thing. I plugged it in and it did its thing and said full. All batts at 13v.
It seems that the lipo4 went into safe mode or there was a short somewhere.
Well now if I turn on the cart with the overdrive not pulled out I can hear all solenoids clicking but in rev/or fwd nothing happens however if I pull the overdrive out I can hear all solenoids clicking nothing happens till I get to full throttle the motor works but only in reverse regardless of the fwd/rev selector is fwd or rev.
So crazy.
I have removed the top solenoid and am in the process of testing.
should the two small poles have continuity showing zero or have resistance? Currently, it is showing 124.3 between the small poles
I added 36v to the small poles and the big poles activated.