golf cart accessories

  1. BarberShop615

    Accessories Lose Power When Gas Pedal is Pressed

    I’m the default golf cart repair and customization guy with our friends, but I’m no pro! My friend has a 2015 EZGO TXT Freedom gas cart that he bought used with the headlight/tail light/turn signal kit already installed. He wanted to wire up some 12v accessories, so I threw my multimeter on the...
  2. GolfCartTireSupply

    Buying The Best Golf Cart: Buyer's Guide

    Hello fellow Cartaholics! Is a Gas or Electric golf cart better? What is the best golf cart brand? Where is the best place to buy golf carts? For those of you just beginning your search for a used or new golf cart, we have been working for months on a buyer's guide to help you in your...
  3. HotRodCarts

    Welcome Allsports

    I'd like to thank Allsports for their support here at Cartaholics. :usa: If anyone is looking for a high quality lift kit or golf cart accessories check out their site. Their banner link is on the bottom of the forum and on the links page. Thanks, HRC
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