club car ds gas

  1. R

    Air Box Retention Strap 1015577

    Working on a 92-96 Club Car Gas Cart The Air Box Retention Strap 1015577 is no longer available. Has anyone come up with a clever solution? Or do you know where we can get these? Thanks for any ideas!
  2. Jodiddywebb

    1989 Club Car Engine Slams

    My 1989 Club Car DS was running yesterday and upon trying to start today it turns over but seems like it slams and cylinder won’t do more than one stroke. I will try to attach a video.
  3. T

    Help with Installing Rear Heavy Duty Leaf Springs on a 1996 Club Car DS Gas

    I have have watched videos showing that the lower shock mount where the U-bolts go through comes off after being unbolted. Mine seems to be part of the frame. My rear shocks have an eyelet on the bottom of the shocks, and the bolt for the shock is part of the the place that is part of the frame...
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