blown fuse

  1. BarberShop615

    48V to 12V converter has me stumped...

    ok I have converted my 2013 Yamaha Drive to lithium ion and that has been great. The company where I got the batteries also sent me a 48V-12V 20A step down transformer. I ran the 48V positive and negative from the main busbar into the input, and the positive and negative output to a positive and...
  2. M

    Zone EV Blown 10 Amp Fuse on Reverse

    Hi y’all I am new to cartaholics and to carts in general but I’ve learned a lot over the past month when I’ve purchased my first project golf cart ZONE EV I know it don’t get much of a good reputation here but I am looking for the overall value,. Long story short, I restore the batteries, it has...
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