
  1. BarberShop615

    48V to 12V converter has me stumped...

    ok I have converted my 2013 Yamaha Drive to lithium ion and that has been great. The company where I got the batteries also sent me a 48V-12V 20A step down transformer. I ran the 48V positive and negative from the main busbar into the input, and the positive and negative output to a positive and...
  2. Rscolianjr

    2018 TXT Elite lithium SOC help!!!!

    In the spring I bought a refurbished 2018 TXT elite with the Samsung lithium battery. I’m pretty sure it was a fleet cart, because it’s really basic. I want to install the factory ezgo soc meter. Was told I’d need a soc harness. Bought the harness (SKU# 656773), so I can now buy the meter itself...
  3. B

    Weak Cart

    Ok so I’m new to carts, I have a Yamaha G29 48v with the Navitas 4k ac kit with 600 amp controller and heavy duty solenoid, batteries are of different ages 3 hold voltage at around 8.2v-8.3v, 3 of em will drop to around 7 and hold when not on charge, cart will run perfect for a few minutes and...
  4. J

    Troubleshooting Guide Needed

    Back Ground: I have a 1994 Club Car Electric (J9425 384233) that I converted to 48V (8-6V batteries) from 36V (6-6V Batteries). I replaced the motor, Controller (Alltrax SR400), the Solenoid (D&D I think), the FNR switch (Red Hawk) and all of the power wiring. The V-glide is the original...
  5. B

    Who Makes this Back Seat Kit

    Does anybody know who makes this back seat kit? It looks similar to a GTW Mach 3, but its not...
  6. S

    Club Car with EZ-GO Charger

    Hi everybody! I recently bought a 1986 Club Car DS 36v. It runs but it's slow. I'd like to convert it to 48v as I already have a 48v charger. Problem is it's an EZ-GO Delta-Q SC-48 charger. I happen to have a spare receptacle and charger controller that I'm thinking about installing on my cart...
  7. Jimmyallenjr

    Upgrading Club Car 2000.5 from 36v to 48v

    I am looking to upgrade the batteries but haven't had any luck in finding anyone who can tell me if it is even possible, and if so, what will it entail? It has a new motor that supposedly can handle 48v, but it also has the v-glide and coil system... Is it possible to upgrade the batteries to...
  8. B

    2011 EZGO TXTE Shorted Key Switch to Turn Siginal Switch

    Thanks for looking. I have looked at many post and youtube videos trying to figure this out my self. I am at a loss. Local shop said its the controller with out even seeing cart. would like a second opinion... or as many opinions as I can get. 2011 EZGO TXTE 48 volt cart ran fine when I put new...
  9. Cole W.

    48 Volt 2016 EZGO Wont Charge

    I have a 2016 48 volt EZGO golf cart. Problem is it wont charge. When i plug it in the charger which is a Delta q SC48 the light will blink red and green which signals a fault. This problem hasn't been an issue until we had 2 usb ports installed. The golf cart still drives normally but just...
  10. kraig

    48 Volt EZGO Stopped Charging

    Hello, I am working on a 48 volt EZGO TXTand it stopped charging. The charger is a powerwise qe and when you first plug it into the cart it flashes green/red really fast. Then it’s a red then green and repeat. The thing is on the three prong triangle charging plug the center wire is a gray cases...
  11. J

    48 Volt 1998 Club Car DS Suddenly Runs Slow

    I have a 1998 Club Car DS 48volt that will run fine then suddenly runs super slow even to the point that I have to push it up a hill. I replaced all the batteries because I bought it used 2 years ago and dont know how old they were. It did not solve the problem. Going up the hill it would make a...
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