
  1. jt283283

    D&D Performance Motor Swap on a 2000 CC DS 36V V-Glide/Resistance Coil Cart

    I have a 2000 36v DS mostly stock. Looking at options to increase max speed and reduce speed loss up hills, etc. Looking for some advice on upgrading to a D&D 36V performance motor as opposed to other options like converting to 48V or lithium as my 6V batteries are less than a year old. If I...
  2. EzGoHo

    EzGo won't GO - Of course! Diagnostic HELP please

    95(ish) EzGo Medalist 36v - Series Drive She's been working just fine, until she just stopped rolling! * The main Positive cable Terminal was in bad shape, so I replaced it. Checked each battery and then total pack voltage- all seem good. There is a fuse (looks aftermarket) between 2 of the...
  3. Fogofgrass

    1974 36V Golfster Cushman Wiring

    Hello, I will keep the intro brief. basically this was a cart that was in storage for so long I forgot the proper way it should be wired, if it was correct to begin with. I can get the cart to go, but terminals on batteries get extremely warm, some would say hot. I currently have a wire to the...
  4. T

    1980s 36V EZGO Lithium Battery Wiring

    I am converting my 1980 era 36V EZGO to Lithium batteries and I am stumped by one wire. I've attached the closest wiring diagram I could find on the Internets. There is a switch on the speed control, see picture Switch White Wire Red Cap, with a white wire with a red cap that I do not know...
  5. K

    Charging/Battery Issue

    I recently had my controller rebuilt on my 36volt EZGO TXT. While waiting I had batteries disconnected once I connected them and hooked the charger up it gets fault for under voltage. The charger is a Lester summit 2. Now it’s acting like it won’t detect the batteries at all and start charging...
  6. R

    2001 Yamaha G16 36v Wiring

    Hello everyone, I stripped down a 2001 Yamaha G16 and now cannot remember how it was wired. I downloaded what I think is a schematic but after wiring it according to what I have, it doesn't work. I know the following......key ignition is good. I can hear the solenoid engage.....battery pack...
  7. T

    EZGO TXT Will Run and Lose Power Then Slow Down to a Dead Stop

    I recently purchased a used 2012 electric 36v Ezgo txt from a private seller. The issue we’re having is when we are driving it in forward it will go and then all of a sudden it just loses power and slows down to a dead stop. Once you turn the key off and on again or switch from neutral back to...
  8. S

    Club Car with EZ-GO Charger

    Hi everybody! I recently bought a 1986 Club Car DS 36v. It runs but it's slow. I'd like to convert it to 48v as I already have a 48v charger. Problem is it's an EZ-GO Delta-Q SC-48 charger. I happen to have a spare receptacle and charger controller that I'm thinking about installing on my cart...
  9. Jimmyallenjr

    Upgrading Club Car 2000.5 from 36v to 48v

    I am looking to upgrade the batteries but haven't had any luck in finding anyone who can tell me if it is even possible, and if so, what will it entail? It has a new motor that supposedly can handle 48v, but it also has the v-glide and coil system... Is it possible to upgrade the batteries to...
  10. J

    Club Cart New Batteries Draining Quickly, Not Fully Charging

    Hello Everyone, We recently purchased a used Club Car 1988 36 volt golf cart. We got a good deal on it and the owner said it needed new batteries. So we purchased 6 new Brute Force batteries and runs a lot better. However I took it out for a spin earlier, the batteries were at 70%. Rode around...
  11. P

    36 Volt Club Car Controller Wiring

    I have a 1993 Club Car 36 volt with a solid state motor controller and all the wiring diagrams I find only have 3 large connections. This one has 4 and there are 2 6 gauge white wires left unconnected. If I thought it was safe to assume that they go to the A-2 term on the controller but you know...
  12. kraig

    Increasing Range on a 36 Volt EZGO TXT PDS Golf Cart

    Hello, I was wanting to add two extra 6 volt batteries to my 36v and still keep it 36 volts. The desired effect is increasing the range or run time on my EZGO TXT PDS golf cart. Can I add them in parallel whilst keeping the original 6v batts in series? Will this produce the desired effect?
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